History of Pest control
"Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest"
2500 B.C.Ancient Sumerians used sulfur compounds to kill insects- earliest record of insect pest control - B.C.Later Egyptians and Chinese use herbs & oils to control insect pests, wasp pest control
300 B.C.Chinese recognize phenology as a science- led to timing the planting of a crop to avoid pest attacks
1600'sTobacco (nicotine), herbs and arsenic become the major materials used for insect pest control
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1930'strend toward synthesizing new compounds-moth-proofing agentsDDT- synthesized by a German graduate student 1873- Paul Muller, (Swiss) discovers insecticidal activity- saves many soldiers' lives during WWII (body lice - typhus)- such an impact on human health -- Muller wins 1948 Nobel prize in medicineDuring WWII both the Germans and the Allies working on the development of organophosphates as nerve gases. They discover the insecticidal properties of these chemicals
1970'sSerious beginning of research on IPM approaches to pest control USDA creates nationwide IPM Program in Land Grant UniversitiesEPA created & given jurisdiction over pesticide registration & regulationinstitutes Pesticide Education Programs in Land Grant Universities1980'sIncrease in IPM researchBeginning of genetic engineering applications in agriculture1990'sNew genetically engineered Bt crops (corn, potatoes) come into useHow will these fit into IPM programs?