When houses and yards are kept clean, there is no food for pests and nowhere for them to live and breed, and this in turn means that there are few pests. pest control dubai giving their knowledge on their experience here.
- Pests can be controlled by practicing good hygiene in the following ways:
- Clean up after meals. Put food scraps in the bin, and wash and dry plates, cups, glasses, cutlery and cooking pots after use.
- Put all rubbish into the bin
- Wrap all food scraps tightly in paper before putting them in the bin
- Keep all the benches, cupboards and floors clean and free of food scraps
- Regularly clean behind stoves, refrigerators and other household appliances
- Keep food in containers with tight-fitting lids
- Use the toilet properly. Make sure that all urine and feces goes into the pedestal pan and that the toilet is flushed after use. Toilet paper is the only kind of paper that should be flushed down the toilet.
- Make sure the toilet is clean and the cistern works correctly
- Make sure that all septic tanks and leach drains are well sealed
- Make sure that the community rubbish tip is operated correctly with the rubbish being buried regularly
- Use fly screens to stop pests entering the house and seal holes around pipes
- There is little point to having a pesticide program to control domestic pests if the relevant hygiene factors are not addressed as well. The pests will soon return if good hygiene is not maintained.